5 key factors why bank account verification is important

5 Reasons Your Company Needs Identity Verification – Veriff

Customers are the key factor for a business to become successful. The most important question, apart from this, is where this money is coming from or are these customers legitimate. With the recent increase in frauds, bank account verification online has become a crucial part of the banking process. A bank account is definitely necessary for the ACH transaction processes confirming the legitimate transfer of funds between bank accounts. Thus, the importance of bank account verification online has become more viable. There are several other factors for verifying bank accounts and such as followed:

To mitigate the rise of frauds

Bank fraud means the misuse of technology or by cheating, to fraudulently obtain money from a bank or other institutions. Authentication of the customer and the money is the reason why bank account verification online has become necessary in the first place. Recently, different kinds of fraud activities have increased in numbers. They are:

  •       Identity theft or impersonation
  •       Money laundering
  •       Payment card fraud
  •       Check fraud
  •       Phishing or Internet Fraud

Identity fraud has been on a rise for a few years; this involves using the identity of a different person for monetary benefits. Credit/debit card fraud has been seen the most and it has doubled in the past few years. Even identity fraud has been used to take advantage of mortgage loans. Check frauds have a broad history in the world of frauds using watermarks, heat-sensitive inks and finely printed lettering. Bank account verification has given importance to prevent all these frauds. With online bank account verification, it is now easier to catch any potential laundering rings. Even internet fraud can be kept in check with the bank account verification since it can now be transferred between legitimate accounts.

Checking if the account is valid

To negate the risk of fraud, a bank account needs to be verified if the money holder and money are valid or not. Bank account verification online makes this easy. With all the details provided during the verification, it’s now possible to keep an eye on the validity of the bank account.

Real-time updates on accounts

It has been a great issue – how some transactions are done, from where it is done and between/among whom – to identify the unsure transactions made around the world. But with account verification being done, it is now possible to keep updated about the account to track down the foul transactions.

Verifying whether it is a personal or business account

With the bank account verification, it can be validated if it’s for personal use or business purpose. Many frauds in the past have been done in the name of the personal account (but actually being used as a business account). Thus, it can now be kept in check if it’s a business or personal account.

Additional security

Bank verification allows many additional security features. Keeping the transaction safe between the customer and the merchant is the first concern of banking. With the provided details, security can be updated, regulated …

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